Friday, May 21, 2010

Jamon and India's wedding

Congratulations to Jamon and India on a beautiful wedding weekend!! We flew out to Virginia last Thursday morning to be with Jamon and welcome India into the Exsted family. We had a really nice weekend meeting India's family, everyone was so hospitable and gracious, especially India's dad, Tom, to open his house for us to take over for the weekend. I've been making a habit of regrets with missing photos of certain moments. Since I was the best man I was standing in the wedding, I was not able to get any ceremony pics. Sort of a poor excuse, but once we get some from the professionals we'll post them on the blog. Anyways, we had an amazing trip and are so happy for Jamon and India. Bon voyage to the newlyweds as they head to California for their honeymoon!!

The view of overlooking the valley outside James Monroe's estate.

Oak Hill

Caedon loved ringing this bell

A view out the veranda overlooking the garden where the wedding ceremony was held

This was one of a handful of couches made that was designed by Thomas Jefferson. It was the first daybed ever made.

This is the library where we had some drinks and dinner the first night we arrived. It was one of my favorite rooms in the house.

Dinosaur tracks were found on the Monroe estate some time ago. These were the first prints that were discovered East of the Mississippi. India's dad had them set as the flooring of a sunroom.

Dolly Madison's bedroom

Some of Dolly's personal items on the fireplace mantle.

Another one of my favorite rooms

Jen was giving Norah some kisses when I captured this sweet pic

The rehearsal dinner was held at an old mill in the countryside of Virginia. Jamon and India had rented a charter bus to get the party to the venue and on the way we got a guided history lesson along the way

The Mill

Rand doing his best to capture me in action

A nice picture of my parents

One afternoon Jamon gave us a little tour of the farm and some of the sites he was going to take pictures with India the day of the wedding.

This is an old feed trough that was used for horses and cows

A potential site for pictures

Caedon went for a walk with us and so did Hudson, Jamon and India's yellow lab

There were some old cars that are in need a few repairs stored away in one of the barns

Ford Model A, the first car made by the Ford Motor Company

Another look at the Model A

I told you he liked to ring that bell

A cute family picture

These were the only pictures I got of the reception

Caedon was so sweet this particular morning, I got a little extra snuggle time. We got to stay in the President's room, James Monroe's bedroom. I slept in his bed, pretty darn cool.

As a part to the wedding portfolio, the photographers has the wedding party pose with a croquet set. We had an opportunity the next day to play a little bit.

Uncle Jamon and Aunt India

The new Exsted family


  1. awesome pictures, guys...again. i just love looking at them! jamon is all grown up-so fun to see! love you guys!

  2. what a wonderful celebration! saw some of scott's photos from the event this weekend: amazing!! miss you guys!

  3. Amazing trip! Kyle, your photography continues to amaze me! You should really start a side gig doing this! You definitely have talent. Thanks for sharing!! The Bergers

  4. What beautiful photographs! Kyle, you take some amazing shots. Love the family pictures!

  5. Absolutely beautiful!!! What an amazing place, and Kyle you did such a great job of capturing the details!
